The cost of equipment failure can potentially be huge. All industries rely on equipment to function. As a manufacturer, ensuring your products function as per the design scope is crucial. As a user, you must ensure your equipment is fit for purpose and well maintained.
The cost of equipment failure can potentially be huge. All industries rely on equipment to function. As a manufacturer, ensuring your products function as per the design scope is crucial. As a user, you must ensure your equipment is fit for purpose and well maintained.
The cost of equipment failure can potentially be huge. All industries rely on equipment to function. As a manufacturer, ensuring your products function as per the design scope is crucial. As a user, you must ensure your equipment is fit for purpose and well maintained.
For regulated industries (Petrochemicals, Oil & Gas and Nuclear), adherence to design codes is essential and defines product or system robustness. For other industries, and where regulatory codes do not offer guidance, a sensible understanding of performance and potential failure modes is required to set the criteria for robust design. In all cases, the use of Advanced Engineering methods such as FEA and CFD is key to your success.
What is an example of industrial equipment?
Examples of “industrial fixtures” are fuel oil lines, boilers, craneways, and certain concrete slabs. “Device” is an item that is not attached to the building or site. Examples of devices are: Forklifts, chainsaws, air compressors, clamps, free standing shelving, software, ladders, wheelbarrows, and pulleys.

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